"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it."



fair trade design delivers lean, high quality and predictable solutions. Let’s stop micro-working to focus on the real challenges of the future!

In a world full of highly skilled, motivated and caring workers, how come our hands feel so powerless? This is the paradox we are trying to unravel with fair trade design: encouraging and providing fair designs to people that try to shape the future beyond their own profit.

With a team of professional enthusiastic volunteers, we deliver designs to support (small) non-profit organisations and art collectives, being the major forces of innovation in our (future) society. For the time being, we focus on IT services, web development, graphic design and photography.

The people don't know their true power

The people don’t know their true power

We don’t like bullshit, unless it’s gorn: sometimes things that need to be done, just need to get done. Relieving you from the “white magic” allows you, as a customer, to focus on the interesting and real challenges – of which there are plenty. More about our philosophy on this page.